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Spelling Bee - March 16th 2024

Star Speller - Sheku Samura
2nd Speller - Princess F. Kargbo
3rd Speller - N'sira B.K. Taylor-Kamara





The grand final of the Spelling Bee was held on Saturday 16th March 2024 at Scripture Union Building, Pademba Road, Freetown at around 10am with some clips of the movie: Akeelah and the Bee. 


Four schools qualified for the final, both from the East and West of Freetown. The participating schools included: Dr. S. M. Broderick Municipal School, Clavicmond Preparatory and Primary School, Queen Elizabeth Academy, and Pentecost Academy. These schools had two spellers each, making it a total of eight spellers at the final. 


The best school in this Spelling Bee was Clavicmond Preparatory and Primary School with 105 points; the second in position was Queen Elizabeth Academy with 87 points and third in position was Pentecost Academy with 82 points. 


The individual best speller -Sheku Samura was a class 4 pupil of Pentecost Academy who emerged with 73 points. He was followed by Princess F. Kargbo of Clavicmond Preparatory and Primary with 60 points, and the third individual best went to N’sira B.K. Taylor-Kamara of Queen Elizabeth Academy with 55 points. 


Certificates of participation and merit were given to schools and pupils. Added to that was the distribution of cash prizes to the best individual spellers – NLe 1500 plus learning materials to the first, NLe 1000 plus learning materials to the second and NLe 500 plus learning materials to the third winner. 


The programme was rounded off with words of appreciation from the visionary, Mrs. Olivia Jonah, to library techs, judges of the Spelling Bee, teachers and schools in attendance. Light refreshment was served. There were about 44 kids and 20 adults in attendance. It was a great a moment indeed! 


Humbly submitted,

Sahr Elijah Jude-Conteh

Coordinator of the Bee

Cross-section of audience