“You cannot open a book without learning something.” Confucius.

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”

How we do it

Mentoring program designed with care

A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.

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Meet our Team

I joined GMSL because of the passion I have for children, they make me feel so good whenever I am reading with them. I love them because I want them to be better leaders in the future. Children nowadays do not like to read but making it fun has piqued their interest. I have been a friend, a teacher, and a parent to them, and I love reading with them.

Christiana Manjia Abu
Librarian Technician (Volunteer)
Sahr Elijah Jude-Conteh

I was attracted to join Gorgeous Stars Mobile Library because of the vision to make school-going children learn and develop the discipline of meaningful and impactful reading. Especially, in a country like Sierra Leone, where reading is at a very low rate, even among school-going children, I was greatly motivated to be a part of this vision to help make reading a desired hobby. With the few resources available, Gorgeous Stars has been able to help a few children with the discipline of reading. It’s a pleasure and a fulfillment being part of Gorgeous Stars.

My experience with GSML is, it is a good initiative as it has helped some children to like and develop the art of reading. It has also helped to improve their English language. They can now construct simple sentences using the new words they learnt from the reading program. 

Mammie Conteh
Librarian Technician (Volunteer)

Ready to start learning?

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”


“Reading helps us imagine a better world. It introduces us to a world of ideas: a world of possibilities.”

“The book club has given me the opportunity to share a love of literature and reading with a unique group of children, as well as to spur me to read books I would otherwise not have picked up. It is a thoroughly enjoyable experience.” 


The children are improving in telling stories, reading poems, and spoken language. They always look forward to the reading time.

Head Teacher -Sybanclair, Freetown SL

The kids find the reading club interesting and look forward to it. The school appreciates GSML as this program has boosted the reading skills of the kids

Head Teacher – Church of Pentecost School, Freetown SL

A very rewarding time for our children and the school, and we look forward to more…

Head Teacher – Clavicmond School, Freetown SL

Great improvements were seen in the general output of the children. the GSML volunteers are doing a great job
Teacher – Thomas Peters Sch, Freetown SL